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Just in case you are wondering why I do quote posts relatively often:

I use friendica to be able to communicate with people in the diaspora network and people in the the activityPub network. These are not compatible - so activityPub folks can't communicate directly with diaspora folks and vice versa.

Friendica is able to communicate with both.

By using quote post functionality my intention is to to share something I've seen in one of the two networks with the folks of the other one. This works in both directions. People still can't directly communicate with the original authors due to the network barrier, but with friendica I can simply do reshares this way. In my opinion this is an awesome use case for quote posts :-)

#quotePosts #activityPub #diasporaProtocol #Diaspora #Friendica #Fediverse

I'll go to Skatehalle-Berlin tonight for a skate session. I think I'll be there from 20:00 till 23:00... maybe a bit earlier. Skating today? Are any of you coming, too?


Later i'm meeting a friend - we're going to the skatepark in Pankow together and want to film. I don't know the park yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about it. I am very excited and looking forward to it!! 😺 🛹 📹 🚲


in reply to Rebeka Catalina

Oh well... no filming session today :-/ My friend got ill... so perhaps I'll check out the spot alone later... or perhaps I'll go to the miniramp at Tempelhofer Feld , or MBU, or MellowPark? So many possibilities xD :-)
in reply to Rebeka Catalina

And it was Skatehalle-Berlin again... and again too long (5 hours xD)

in reply to Rebeka Catalina

Oh... it was so great tonight!! Met a friend there - we had an appointment to skate together and have been there for two slots in a row - 2 hours each slot. It was simply awesome!! <3
The first slot was very crowded, which wasn't so good. Also a lot of small kids, which makes it even harder... and so we decided to stay for the next slot, too. The second was much much better and I really enjoyed it. My friend made two recordings - in one make my favorite grind... a barley grind :-) ... and in the second I made a small run. When he sends me the files I will upload and share them in here. In the video of the run... I do that 360 from bank to bank again and now I've seen how high my jump really is. I did not expect it to be so high :-) 🛹 reshared this.

I was quite tired at work and I've been unsure if it's a good idea to go skating at 17:00. My work ends at 16:00 on tuesdays and then I had to go home, had to eat and directly go to Skatehalle-Berlin. I did so and it was a good decision. 3 persons in the FINTA slot and I could train and practice. In the last hour I had my highlights and one of them was that I started from the top of a quarter-pipe and with not too much speed, but still quit fast I rode up on a bank and jumped onto the curb on top with a barley-grind.

Barley-grind is: You have the curb on your backside (so behind your back) and with a front-side 180 you turn in the direction of the curb and you land in switch smith-grind.

I love this trick so much!! When I did my second or third the grind was so clear and good. I landed perfectly - fully balanced and locked in. The grind was fast a and I grinded until the end of the curb and ended with switch front-side 180 out. What a feeling!! <3

#laterskater #skate #sk8 #streetboard
in reply to (: aNNa :) blume

Oh ja - es war grossartig! :-) Ich liebe es... es ist Freiheit. Den Alltag vergesse ich da manchmal fuer eine Weile einfach komplett. Bin nur im Hier-Und-Jetzt - im flow.... pure joy :-)

#music #LupeFiasco #skate #sk8 #LaterSkater