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#music #BuffaloSpringfield

I'll go to Skatehalle-Berlin tonight for a skate session. I think I'll be there from 20:00 till 23:00... maybe a bit earlier. Skating today? Are any of you coming, too?

#laterSkater 🛹 reshared this.

A few days ago I tried frontside-180 to switch nose-manual the first time. Damn, what a hard trick /o\ :-o

#skate #sk8 #streetboard

Berlin: Mehrere tausend Menschen demonstrieren gegen A100-Ausbau

Sie ist eines der umstrittensten Bau-Projekte Berlins: Die Verlängerung der Stadtautobahn A100 wäre das Ende für viele Clubs im Osten der Stadt. Heute demonstriert die Clubszene zusammen mit Umweltverbänden gegen den Weiterbau.


#Berlin #A100

Rebeka Catalina reshared this.

Content warning: Homophobie; Konzert in Kreuzberg; WildAtHeart

Rebeka Catalina reshared this.

Am kommenden Montag ist wieder Zeit für den FRe;AK Stammtisch (aka Fediverse Stammtisch) in der c-base. Am 4.9. ab 19 Uhr treffen wir uns um über Friendica, Hubzilla und den Rest des Fediverses zu schnacken.

Die c-base findet ihr in der Rungestraße 20, füßläufig von S-U Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke direkt am Spree-Ufer, von der Straße aus im zweiten Hinterhof.

Rungestraße 20, Berlin

!Berliner Luft

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Friendica Support reshared this.

@Friendica Support

Hi all :-)

Is there a way to make a quote share in friendica of a posting that got published on mastodon with content warning so that I keep the content warning of the original?
I tried to put an abstract with apub, but didn't work. I may have made a mistake, but... you know I try it since quite a while and couldn't yet find a way to do such a posting.

Is there a way or is it actually not supported by friendica to do such?

Thanks in advance.

Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.

Rebeka Catalina

Oh my gosh!! How confusing!! :-o

Works!! You know... as I tried to make a preview, which didn't show a collapsed post, I tried to post it really and shared it only with myself on another server - but I deleted the post before it got delivered, because... well here on the source platform the post seemed broken, so I thought

"Oh... already the source is broken - this doesn't work. I made a mistake or there's a bug".

Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.

Rebeka Catalina
Anyway: Thank you very much! :-)

Sep 4
Mon 5:00 PM c-base Rungestraße 20 10179 Berlin
Rebeka Catalina
Monthly fediverse meeting in Berlin

.& Daniel Tietze ; reshared this.

Es fehlen nur noch ganz wenig Stimmen bis zu 100.000 Unterschriften für unsere Petition, dass das Bundesverfassungsgericht ein AfD-Verbot prüfen soll. Hilfst du mit, dass wir das knacken? 👉

Another small harvest. I have learned that the peppers need a bigger pot. Next year I’ll provide them more space. But at least there are two peppers to harvest on that plant and my main goal is to create more seeds - so that’s totally ok!! 😃

#OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #SpreadTheSeeds #PleatedTangerine #Maerchenglanz #Maerchenfee #Maerchenzauber #ConnectingGardens 🛹 reshared this.

I really like how this person describes how the trick works. Very detailed description of all the important aspects. Very good!! :-)

#skate #sk8 #skateboard

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#music #TonyOrlando #Dawn

#music #RobPlayford

Stammtisch Zeit

Im August rutscht der erste Montag spät in den Monat, drum findet der Fediverse Stammtisch in der c-base erst am 7. August ab 19 Uhr. Perfekt um mal wieder die Menschen hinter den Profilbildern zu treffen und über Friendica, Hubzilla, Mastodon und den Rest des Fediverses zu schnacken.

Die c-base findet ihr in der Rungestraße 20 fußläufig vom S+U Bahnhof Jannowitzbrücke direkt am Spree-Ufer; von der Straße im zweiten Hinterhof.

Rungestraße 20, Berlin

!Berliner Luft

Rebeka Catalina reshared this.

Hallo Leute. Ich brauche eure Hilfe.

Für @c3awareness muss ein 3x5 m großer Teppich nach #Zehdenick aufs #cccamp23 .

Kommt ggf wer aus dem Raum #Hannover bzw. auf dem Weg nach Zehdenick an Hannover vorbei und kann den Teppich mitnehmen?

Das wäre sehr großartig.
Der Teppich müsste nicht zurück.

#followerpower :BoostOK:

Edit: Es haben sich zwei Personen gemeldet. Mit einer Person hab ich die Abholung vereinbart.
Herzlichen Dank fürs Boosten. 🙏

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

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Rebeka Catalina reshared this.

Content warning: Skateboarding in Berlin

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in reply to Dave

Content warning: Skateboarding in Berlin


Rebeka Catalina reshared this.

Screenshot of an instagram posting by streetboard_worlds2023 with the following content:</p><p>Rebeka Catalina @streetboard_gurl  IS IN for 2023 Streetboard World Championships!</p><p>Ready to fight for the!</p><p>REMEMBER<br>Registration open until JULY 31<br>Link in bio</p><p>#swc2023 #streetboardworlds2023 #streetboard #streetboarding #snakeboard #snakeboarding #skatepark #worldcup #skate #eindhoven #netherlands #snakelikeagirl #girlsskate

Since today it's official: I'm in at the streetboard world championships in Eindhoven (NL) this year!! \o/ :-D

The link to the instagram posting (for those who are interested) is this one:

But I have uploaded the video to my peertube channel as well:

I'm so excited!! :-D

#skate #sk8 #streetboard #streetboardworlds

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Aug 7
Mon 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM c-base Rungestraße 20 10179 Berlin
Rebeka Catalina
Monthly fediverse meeting in Berlin

I see quite often skaters ride with half-open ball bearings. The theory behind this is that the dirt comes in easily and goes out that easy, too. Sounds somehow logical and weird at the same time - so I want to test that soon times. Have just prepared an old set of bearings :-)

#skate #sk8 #streetboarding #skateboarding

in reply to alanszlosek

They didn't put grease in the bearings. I see it super often and so far all of the people I asked said that they've made good experiences. So I decided to try it out and make my own experiences :-)

I like it so much, when there are so many clouds in the sky. So beautiful <3

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